
  • Bruna Lara Arantes ESALQ/USP
  • Rafaela Novaes Abreu ESALQ/USP
  • Demóstenes Ferreira da Silva Filho ESALQ/USP



Trees in urban settings provide several benefits and the value of these benefits is calculable. Urban forest economic valuation has been increasingly applied to facilitate and justify expenditures, more efficiently manage trees, serve as a tool to define costs and benefits, adjust project priorities and policies, and assign a value to environmental impacts. This study was designed to evaluate urban forest samples in two of the city of São Paulo’s administrative districts, Itaim Paulista and Nossa Senhora do Ó, and propose improvements to the existing formula method used to evaluate these assets. The two districts’ tree components are currently valued at US$ 85,165.51 and US$ 66,814.838, have a m2 valuation of US$2.71 and US$ 2.12 respectively. Applying the developed formula showed that the formula improvements did differences in these values in 51%. It is recommended that this new formula method should be considered as a new model for urban forest valuation research.Trees in urban settings provide several benefits and the value of these benefits is calculable. Urban forest economic valuation has been increasingly applied to facilitate and justify expenditures, more efficiently manage trees, serve as a tool to define costs and benefits, adjust project priorities and policies, and assign a value to environmental impacts. This study was designed to evaluate urban forest samples in two of the city of São Paulo’s administrative districts, Itaim Paulista and Nossa Senhora do Ó, and propose improvements to the existing formula method used to evaluate these assets. The two districts’ tree components are currently valued at US$ 85,165.51 and US$ 66,814.838, have a m2 valuation of US$2.71 and US$ 2.12 respectively. Applying the developed formula showed that the formula improvements did differences in these values in 51%. It is recommended that this new formula method should be considered as a new model for urban forest valuation research.

Biografia do Autor

Bruna Lara Arantes, ESALQ/USP

Mestre em Recursos Florestais, ESALQ/USP

Rafaela Novaes Abreu, ESALQ/USP

Mestra em Ciências Florestais

Demóstenes Ferreira da Silva Filho, ESALQ/USP

Livre-docente em Ciências Florestais


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